We believe in the human capacity to build a more equitable and just world where every young person and every human being can have a dignified life, knowing their rights and applying their knowledge at every stage of their lives.
We seek to empower our communities through these five values:
–Excellence: We aim to set and achieve higher goals every day to have a greater impact on our actions and activities.
–Respect: We believe in putting the human being at the center of every activity; we believe in their dignity, creativity and ability to actively participate to improve their lives.
–Transparency: We responsibly manage and use the means and resources we have available to fulfill our mission.
–Teamwork: We trust that effective and lasting solutions come from the efforts and capabilities of the beneficiaries, partners and the foundation team.
–Sustainability: We empower our community so that with their own initiatives, actions and resources they can continue indefinitely with a process of social improvement.