Martin Luther King Parade

Join us in marching in honor of our human rights activist in downtown Houston on January 15, 2022.

Teens For The Future Orientation (teens and moms)

  We invite you on Saturday the 11th to learn to talk to your adolescent children about their puberty Parent orientation/Intro to sexuality  - Este sábado presentaremos el programa y el espacio servirá para contestar preguntas que las mamas tengan con respecto al programa. les vamos a llevar una hoja informativa sobre el tema y […]

Know your rights- Conoce tus derechos (Immigration)

You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with police, immigration agents, or other officials. Anything you tell an officer can later be used against you in immigration court. If you are not a U.S. citizen and an immigration agent requests your immigration papers, you […]

Teens For The Future (body Image)

TEENS FOR THE FUTURE CLUB CLASES  Describe the distinction between image Positive and negative body.  describe two factors that may influence body image.  explain four connections between the image bodily and other aspects of sexuality  Describir la distinción entre imagen corporal positiva y negativa.  describir dos factores que pueden influir […]


We encourage our teens to express their emotions through art, they came to make new friends, had fun, explored new ideas and learned how to make beautiful cultural art

Taller de preparacion de desastres- disaster prepardness workshop

Taller de preparación de desastres, para personas de la tercera edad y para familias que tengan un familiar discapacitado. se les regalagara un kit de preparación. Disaster preparation workshop for seniors and families with a disabled relative. We are going to give you a preparation kit.


We encourage our teens to express their emotions through art, they came to make new friends, had fun, explored new ideas and learned how to make beautiful cultural art.


We encourage our teens to express their emotions through art, they came to make new friends, had fun, explored new ideas and learned how to make beautiful cultural art.